Friday, 15 August 2008

Review of Clarkson and Crouch, Away With the Fairies, published on Fresh Air online on 15/08/08.

Clarkson and Crouch’s comic debut show, Away With the Fairies, was a pleasant success from the unlikely pair with a background in acting. I was intrigued by their innovative idea of merging the supernatural with comedy and was looking forward to their final result.

The set of sketches turned out to be fast and furious; being jammed packed with ideas and characters that sent all of the audience members into hysterics.

The highlights of the numerous sketches include the Pearl and ‘Chelle sketch. In which Clarkson and Crouch superbly take the role of two Cockney women who chatter over tea and plot to gain revenge upon Pearl’s neighbour, Darren Brown, for his magical, if rather noisy, bedroom antics through the use of mind power classes.

The intelligent sketch based upon the poetry of Byron and Shelley is set in an advertising agency, where Clarkson and Crouch wittily impersonate the dead poets and enact ideas for a sanitary towel range. Crouch takes on the role of Byron and laconically suggests a tagline for the campaign that will put a “plug” in the “crimson piper that plays at a woman’s gate during Blow Job Week”.

A few sketches, admittedly, go over my head mainly due to my lack of knowledge about Superheroes, especially Spacecats. But Clarkson and Crouch swiftly move on to a new scenario, and set the scene alive again with their satire about Tramps.

Clarkson and Crouch displayed magnificent acting skills as they transferred from scene to scene with a professional ease. As well as successfully executing their various and differing character roles, Clarkson and Crouch also showed that they are actors who can deliver a cracking punch-line just as well as the professional comedians on at the Edinburgh Fringe.

This is definitely a must-see show of the Fringe, for the innovation of adapting modern urban life to an outer-world experience. So prepare yourself to be intensely entertained for the hour.

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