Friday 8 August 2008

Morgan Murphy review published on Fresh Air 8/8/08

Morgan Murphy-I Don’t Know Who I Am Either- The GRV-Thursday 7th August, 6.30pm-7.30pm. Until 24th August.

Morgan Murphy has hit the Edinburgh Fringe for the first time with her most self-conscious and personal show to date, I Don’t Know Who I Am Either. Murphy sardonically addresses the fears of a new comic debuting at the Edinburgh Festival, yet her cynical humour and the audience reaction allow Murphy to display her true talent as a stand-up comedian.

Murphy epitomises modern Western culture through her cheeky one-liners and hilarious anecdotes about “eco-friendly” electric cars, Skyping her Therapist and her addiction to day-time TV.

The highlight of the hour long set was when Murphy displayed the extent of her dark humour during the anecdote about her electric car being so useless that she envied the car battery’s death. Murphy’s deadpan approach to profound subjects like suicide, societal problems and psychosis make this show an intellectual escape from reality.

Unfortunately, I Don’t Know Who I Am Either has not been as successful as Murphy had hoped, with poor show attendance and difficulty is translating her American humour to a British audience. Her self-criticism has visibly affected her performance as Murphy deviated from her show into a bundle of self-pity, which brought down her superb opening.

However, Murphy left the stage with a huge smile and an applauding audience in the knowledge that she has proven that she is a gifted comedian and that, with confidence, her shows can only get better. She is one to watch out for as Murphy becomes more and more accustomed to the dog-eat-dog nature of the Edinburgh Fringe and is growing out of her shaky start.

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