Saturday 14 February 2009

Published in Student 13/1/09.

UNIVERSITY of Edinburgh student, Stephan Bisky, was found dead in his flat in Edinburgh on Christmas Eve.

Stephan Bisky, 23, a PhD student in neuro-informatics was the son of the left-wing German politician, Lothar Bisky, who is the co-chairman of Die Linke party.

His father became worried when Stephan did not arrive at Leipzig airport to celebrate Christmas and instantly reported him as missing. Lothar Bisky said, "Stephan wanted to celebrate with us at Christmas. I waited at the Leipzig airport for him, but he did not arrive."

The police were called to the flat at approximately 1.05pm on Christmas Eve. They reported that a 23-year-old man's body was discovered at the flat, but that the circumstances surrounding the death were not suspicious.

Lothar Bisky flew into Edinburgh to identify the body. The cause of death is still uncertain. Lothar Bisky announced, "The laboratory tests are still ongoing, but I have discovered that he was being treated in hospital for a hepatitis illness."

Hepatitis is an inflammatory disease of the liver, which is largely caused by viral infections or toxins in the blood.

Hepatitis inhibits the liver from performing vital duties such as removing harmful substances, regulating blood composition and aiding digestion.

Stephan suffered from seizures, which may have been a symptom of Hepatitis, most notably when he was socialising with friends at the RockNess festival during June 2008.

Stephan's body will be transferred to Germany to be buried following an intimate ceremony.

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